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Expatriation: how to choose the right school for my child?

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Expatriation is often synonymous with a blank page: adapting to a new position, discovering a new city...but it is also about finding the "right" school that will allow your child to be well integrated and happy.

So how do you choose the right school when you are an expatriate in Paris? Discover all our tips!

Enrolling your child in a French school

If you are planning an expatriation abroad, sending your child to a French school can be a good way to ensure continuity with the language and culture. Moving abroad with your child can be a real change of scenery. Immersing your child in a French school allows him/her to have a privileged contact with the language and culture of his/her country. Educating your child in a French school will provide continuity with the French school program. You are an expatriate and the French educational system seems difficult to understand? We decode it for you here.

Enroll your child in a local school

An expatriate child can also jump into the deep end if you feel that the right school for your child is a local school. Expatriation is a unique experience that allows a child to be totally immersed in the host country's culture. This can facilitate their integration into the country and make your expatriation a challenge for your child. Enrolling your child in a local school can be a unique cultural and linguistic experience. Although difficult at first, choosing a local school has many advantages for a long-term expatriation. In addition, enrolling your child in a local school will be an introduction to a new curriculum and if your child already speaks the local language at home, this is a good way to extend the language learning and maximize the expatriation experience.

Choosing an international/bilingual school

The best way to ensure a smooth expatriation for your children is to keep some cultural and linguistic references for your child by choosing an international or bilingual school. With curricula inspired by Anglo-Saxon teaching methods, these international or bilingual schools promise a rather balanced relationship between the language of their host country and the English language: ideal for an expatriate child. Choosing an international or bilingual school gives your expatriate child the chance to approach bilingualism in a diffuse way in the classroom throughout the day, as is the case in some schoolsor in a more targeted way during special English sessions.

Opting for distance learning

Expatriating with your children to a destination where it is not easy to find schools adapted to the level and needs of your child can also be a reality. If you cannot find the right school for your child during your expatriation, distance learning can be an excellent solution! Your child will receive courses to study at his/her own pace and can even be supervised by a team of teachers completely at a distance to guarantee the quality of the teaching. You can inquire about solutions like Griffon courses.

What about family instruction?

What if homeschooling was the right school for your child after all? It's an off-the-beaten-path way to explore that could make the expatriation abroad experience fun. If you're a teacher and you want to teach your children, homeschooling is the way to go. Of course, this is not something that can be improvised, and you may need educational resources to support your children. If you want to get some inspiration, many expatriate families share their experiences on their blogs such as 3 free mice.

As you can see, there are many choices when it comes to choosing a good school for expatriate children. It's up to you to put all the options on the table and see what works best for your family dynamics.