My Kindergarten Child

When your child arrived at school for his very first day of kindergarten, both he and you were probably caught up in mixed emotions. He looked so big and so small at the same time. If you're still waiting for that first day of school, perhaps these feelings are already running through your mind. At 2 or 3 years of age, our child has already amazed us with everything he has learned, but we know he still has so much to discover!

When he leaves for first grade three or four years later, those feelings will still be there. He will always be "big and small" at the same time. But how far he's come in those few years!

With this guide, we wanted to strengthen the links between the two essential partners in each child's development: his parents and his school. As a synthesis of our fruitful exchanges with école M parents throughout the year, we are pleased to offer you a few insights on the road to school.

Enjoy your reading!