The pedagogical project of École M

The M school 's pedagogical project is based on the program defined by the French Ministry of Education, supplemented by the 5 pillars below.

Personalized teaching

Because each child is unique, with his or her own personality, strengths, and pace of learning, teaching must be adapted and personalized.

In relation to its family, École M takes into account the specificities of each child by setting personal objectives, creating individualized learning paths and following each child closely in his or her learning.

Socio-emotional Development

At École M, the focus is on socio-emotional skills, the development of which is key to children's success and development, including self-confidence and perseverance , curiosity, the expression and control of one's emotions and empathy.

These competences are integrated into children's learning pathways and, as such, are the subject of special attention and specific monitoring. 

Active teaching methods

Because children learn best when they are motivated by their own curiosity, the teachers at École M make their students actors of their learning .

The methods implemented are part of the active pedagogy movement, and are inspired by research on the cognitive, social and emotional development of the child (neurosciences, psychology), as well as different pedagogical trends such as Montessori and Freinet.

Bilingualism FRENCH-English

Learning a foreign language from an early age both facilitates the achievement of bilingualism and promotes overall cognitive development, while giving children a way to open up to the world.

For more information, visit our blog :

Link family - school

At École M, learning takes place in close contact with parents, who are fully involved in their child's schooling.

The teaching team and parents communicate and collaborate in a caring co-educational approach, in confidence and for the benefit of the child.

For more information, download our free My Child in Kindergarten parent guide.

Green education

At école M, each child learns to act as an eco-citizen and is made aware of environmental issues.

Students, teachers and parents are involved in the eco-citizen approach ofécole M by implementing eco-responsible practices within the school and its environment.

Theécole M has been awarded the international Eco-school label, recognized by the UN, every year for the past 3 years.

The educational programme of École M