Involving yourself in your child's education at Ecole M

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At École M, the relationship between parents and teachers is at the heart of our Pedagogical Project. Indeed, we believe that it is by working together that we can achieve the most effective results for all children. This implies clear, open and respectful communication between teachers and parents, as well as a welcoming atmosphere at school where everyone feels "at home".

We therefore offer parents the opportunity to take part in the daily life of the school whenever possible. Parents are welcome in the classroom in the mornings and at the end of the day. Between 8.30 and 9.00 am, children can arrive with their parents, settle into the classroom and participate in activities or read a book together. This helps children (and parents) feel more comfortable and also gives them the opportunity to talk with their child's teachers if necessary.

We then offer a 20 minute time slot for the outing at the end of the day, to allow parents and children to leave in a relaxed manner and possibly talk briefly to the teaching team.

Throughout the year, parents have the opportunity to participate in various activities. These include regular outings to the library, as well as other occasional outings, such as to the theatre, or our weekly "Let's Play Together" workshops. We also encourage parents to participate in our shared breakfasts, giving them the opportunity to spend a relaxed time with their child at school, to socialize with other parents and to talk with teachers in a relaxed environment.

At the same time, three individual meetings between teachers and parents are held each year to discuss each child's progress and needs. Of course, other meetings can be organised throughout the year, we are always happy to talk with parents. Another important support for co-education at Ecole M is the Livret de l'enfant. Each child has a file containing all the objectives of his or her schooling in Maternelle, as well as a follow-up of exchanges between teachers and parents throughout the year.

Twice a year, it will be updated by the teachers and shared with the parents, so that the latter can in turn note in it the changes they have observed in their child .

One of the most valuable things that parents can do for their child is to value what they do at school, by being curious. This can be done, for example, by sharing and asking questions, signing up for snacks or looking at pictures together on Class Dojo, the parent/teacher application we use to share moments and pictures.

At the end of each period, the children take home their Classeur de vie to share with their families all the wonderful things they have accomplished at school. Finally, please do not hesitate to let us know of any proposal to continue to build this link between the school and the families. We will be delighted to support parents' initiatives in this area!

Naomi Savory