How can we raise students' awareness of sustainable development at school?

Education for sustainable development is now a priority for education and society. As responsible citizens, it is essential to instill the fundamental principles of sustainable development in pupils from an early age. In this article, we'll explore the different methods available to effectively raise awareness of sustainable development at school.

The primary objective: to understand the challenges of sustainable development

Before students can adopt sustainable practices, they need to understand what sustainable development is all about. It's not just a set of rules to follow, but a philosophy of life that aims to balance the needs of the present with the preservation of the planet for future generations.

Between citizenship and scientific understanding

Raising awareness of sustainable development at school is not just about the environment. It's about instilling in students a sense of global citizenship. Teachers need to teach students that they are part of an interconnected global community, and that they have a role to play in preserving the planet. This means understanding global issues such as climate change, poverty, access to clean water and many others. 

Achieving sustainable development objectives

The United Nations has established 17 sustainable Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. These goals cover a range of areas, from eradicating poverty to combating climate change. Schools can integrate these SDGs into their teaching by, for example, linking them to certain subjects studied at school. For example, SDG number 13 (Climate Action) can be addressed in science. 

Raising awareness of sustainable development within the classroom

Committed to becoming an eco-school

Teachers can integrate sustainable development into their curriculum and decide, for example, to take part in the eco-school project. The aim is to educate pupils about environmental issues and encourage them to act responsibly towards the environment. Schools can be guided to set up practical projects such as school gardens, recycling campaigns or initiatives to reduce energy consumption. These projects enable students to see first-hand how their actions can have a positive impact on the environment. 


Involving sustainability experts, local NGOs or associations can provide students with different and stimulating perspectives. Students can ask questions of experts and discuss real-life issues. 

Using new technologies

Modern technologies, such as FFT, educational applications and virtual tours, can be used to illustrate sustainability concepts in an interactive and engaging way.

In conclusion, raising awareness of sustainable development at school is essential to prepare students to become responsible citizens committed to preserving the planet. By integrating these concepts into the curriculum, offering practical experiences and encouraging critical thinking, schools can play a crucial role in shaping sustainable development leaders.